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My Story

Hi I’m Chelsea, I am a post divorce confidence coach and I help women get realigned with themselves to create a peaceful balance in their Chapter 2.  If you were to have told me that a divorce was in my future or that post divorce life would have aligned me in ways I hadn't thought possible, I would've thought you were crazy.


We had been together 12 years, married for 5 with one son and a daughter on the way when my own Chapter 2 started. When everything came to a crashing halt I found myself in an emotional black hole that I felt I couldn't climb out of. Deep down I was broken, panicked and completely overwhelmed and terrified at the thought of starting over.  Many of us have an idea of what our life will look like, the marriage, the house, the kids. When it doesn't pan out the way we want it to, we end up feeling like our foundation has been ripped from underneath us. What I realized was the chaos and destruction was a sign and chance to rebuild. Although this was not how my life (and marriage) was supposed to play out, it did.

Chapter Two

So here we are, well into my own Chapter 2…. My life looks nothing like I thought it would….It’s BETTER .  It didn’t feel that way at the time. In fact it felt like a giant F YOU from the Universe but now I am so grateful it happened. I wouldn’t have come to believe that when it feels like something is happening to you, it is often happening for you. If that major pivot point in my life hadn't happened, I would not have had to test my own inner strength. I would not have had to learn who I was outside of that relationship and more importantly who I could become.  




















So while it felt like I was losing a whole lot at the time, I now see I have gained a whole lot more.  My journey of self-discovery and self-love was all about doing the work –  I got to know myself all over again, the good, the bad and the ugly. I got in deep with my feelings. That meant reflecting on the parts of me that were pretty ugly in that marriage and why that version was showing up. I got in touch with my values again and figured out what was most important for me to live in alignment with those values. I identified my limiting self-beliefs and then worked hard to deconstruct those beliefs and build new empowering ones. I realized whatever I wasn’t changing in my body or mind, I was ultimately choosing. I got really aligned with envisioning the version of myself I wanted to be and then adjusted my behaviors accordingly (also lost a cool 75lbs in the process). I decided to re-write my narrative and how I talk to myself, I decided to choose my perspective and how I want to feel about someone or something. I decided to start focusing on actions and not outcomes. I decided to stop wishing for things and start working for things. I showed up for MYSELF in the way I was used to doing for everyone else.  While I still get handed tough days and challenging moments, I am grateful to understand and live by the guiding principle that when you shift your mindset, your reality changes. Now every day I wake up and I choose me. I’m happier and more in love with myself than I have ever been. I am being called to support women as they navigate their chapter 2 and take control of their story.

Coaching Divorce

YOU are the Author of this book – make Chapter 2 an amazing one!

I’ve met the future you – she is amazing, I can't wait for you to meet her.

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