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My Group Coaching Program is returning!

Cultivate Confidence, Finding you in Chapter 2

A 5-week group program for women to consciously and confidently move on past divorce

Chelsea, Divorce Coach Vancouver

DIVORCE, this word alone can send a shiver down our spines.

It's a loaded word, isn't it?


It's the "thing" we all try to avoid and no matter which way you look at it, divorce is hard.


Whether you are the one that was left behind, or you were the one who chose to move on,

or it was a mutual decision. 


Life after divorce is different, and that "different" comes with uncertainty, and uncertainty feels uncomfortable. And while our initial response may be negative, and comes with all the feels this transitional and pivotal time of your life can be the moment you make a new choice.


The moment you say...


YES to yourself.

YES to your healing.

YES to taking your power back.


YES to the fulfilling and loving life that does not rely on your relationship status.


A life where you are the one that consciously creates it.


A life that's aligned with your core values, desires and Vision.


A life that feels FULL and satisfying.


You are ready to be a woman that is HEALED, WHOLE and CONFIDENT.


Let's walk this journey together.

Divorce get's to be an opportunity!

Like any hardship we experience we can either chose to let it break us or IGNITE us. Divorce is an opportunity for you to chose yourself, to chose your healing, to chose to do the work that will allow you to create a post divorce life that becomes "better" than you could ever have imagined.


The Cultivate Confidence program is for you if you are a woman that...

  • Is ready to embrace uncertainty with certainty and start to feel desired again as a woman.


  • Has forgotten who she is without the relationship and wants to feel confident in herself and her ability to navigate your chapter 2 on your own.


  • Is a Mom who wants to learn how to co-parent successfully and enjoy the freedom that single mom life bring.


  • Desires to master communication with her ex through-out this divorce journey.


  • Is ready to heal, reclaim her worth and learn to love herself unconditionally so she can feel loved, safe and supported regardless of her relationship status.



This is for YOU if you want to choose this pivotal moment as an opportunity to realign your life with yourself, your desires, your Vision and create the peaceful balance you've been craving.

Post divorce coach


Here is some of what they shared after our time working together...

I really enjoyed working with Chelsea and taking her group program. She was so knowledgeable and helpful. Each week we went into a really useful topic to dig deeper in ourselves. I learned a lot about myself and what is important to me. The one on one sessions were equally helpful. Chelsea listens without judgement and asks the right/hard questions to get me thinking as to what's important in my life. I loved how the sessions were solution focused. I left having more direction and feeling more clear headed at the end of the sessions in comparison to when I started. I think it’s really helpful to have someone like Chelsea to talk through different scenarios. You can tell she's done the work and am so thankful she got into this line of work to help and inspire people like me who still haven't made it to the other side yet :)

Chelsea has been great! She's very open, honest, kind, and understanding. She truly believes in what she does and she's very knowledgeable. Divorce isn't an easy thing, but Chelsea makes it easier. She has truly helped me become a better me.

I had the benefit of working with Chelsea at first in a group coaching capacity and then also individual sessions after that. I'm so grateful she came into my life at the time I needed that support and guidance the most. We worked on so many different areas of my life and she pushed me to see things with a different lens. The most helpful thing for me was learning more about my values and using them as a "compass" to make really important decisions in my life. Looking back over the last few months, it's incredible how far I've come. After all the counsellors and psychologists I saw under my benefits, Chelsea was by far the most helpful and practical :) She always kept me on track and went back to solutions before we moved on to a different topic. I feel like I have enough tools to push me to be a better version of myself. Money well spent for sure and I would definitely hire her again :)

After finishing the group program, Cultivating Confidence,  I feel more confident in several aspects of my life. I'm learning to fall in love with myself and learn who I truly am and what I truly want. 

Chelsea has been such a great resource during this scary and confusing journey in life. She has helped me figure out what I need to do for myself and helped me to grow tremendously. I have gone from feeling scared and unsure to feeling confident and strong moving forward into Chapter 2. I can't wait to see what comes next!

I’ve learned to approach things with a different perspective – a positive one – and I am so grateful to Chelsea for helping to guide and encourage me through that. I didn’t just feel the change in myself, my friends and family saw it too! Unlike counselling, Chelsea gave me tools to help make this change a permanent one that I can continue to use moving forward. Not only have I become the confident, happy self I once was, but I feel I have gained even more insight to become a better person that I once was.

Imagine what life would be like if you had a deep clarity about your direction, what you want for your life, what you want in a partner, and how to live life in alignment with your desires and values.

Imagine what life would be like if you had deep clarity about your direction, what you want for your life, what you want in a partner, and how to live life in alignment with your desires and values.


Imagine being a woman that has healed, has a great sense of self awareness and emotional intelligence. 


A Woman that has let go of the past, and any Stories and beliefs that were outdated.


A Woman that is actively writing her new story in her own way and on her own terms.


Welcome to Cultivate Confidence, Finding you in Chapter 2, a 5-week group program that supports women on their healing journey after divorce and move from fear to fierce while connecting with likeminded women all on a journey to heal and begin their Chapter 2

Our Healing post divorce is a choice. Through my own divorce journey and working with dozens of other women navigating divorce, I have developed a unique Coaching approach that takes you on a journey to HEAL from the inside out.

This is what makes this program different. Over the course of the five weeks inside the CULTIVATE CONFIDENCE PROGRAM, I will teach you the exact 4-step methodology that will support you to navigate divorce and cultivate confidence as you build your new life in Chapter 2.

During our time together you will learn to:

  • Choose your own healing and learn to reconnect with WHO you are so you can become a woman in her power, a woman that is whole within herself. You define WHO you are.


  • Flex your emotional intelligence muscle so you can respond instead of react and communicate in a highly emotional intelligent way.


  • Develop the Mindset to take Actions that are congruent to your self-worth, values and Vision. 


  • Open yourself up to possibilities and let Love move you. 


  • Practice habits + rituals to help you win in your life + all your relationships by practicing self-love so you can be open to love others. ​


You will be guided each step of the way and receive the coaching, accountability and support to help you embrace this healing journey.

  • Full Payment

    Valid for 4 weeks
  • 2-month Payment Plan

    Every month
    Valid for 2 months


Here is what is included:

Five (5) weekly 75 min Group Coaching Calls
A Facebook Group for peer support
Weekly accountability and check-ins to help you gain and maintain your momentum
Additional tools and resources to support you in your Chapter 2

I really enjoyed working with Chelsea and taking her group program. She was so knowledgeable and helpful. Each week we went into a really useful topic to dig deeper in ourselves. I learned a lot about myself and what is important to me. The one on one sessions were equally helpful. Chelsea listens without judgement and asks the right/hard questions to get me thinking as to what's important in my life. I loved how the sessions were solution focused. I left having more direction and feeling more clear headed at the end of the sessions in comparison to when I started. I think it’s really helpful to have someone like Chelsea to talk through different scenarios. You can tell she's done the work and am so thankful she got into this line of work to help and inspire people like me who still haven't made it to the other side yet :)

Hi I'm Chelsea


I'm a divorced Mom of two and guess what...My life looks nothing like I thought it would….It’s BETTER. It didn’t feel that way at the time. In fact it felt like a giant F YOU from the Universe but now I am so grateful it happened. 


I wouldn’t have come to believe that when it feels like something is happening to you, it is often happening for you. If that major pivot point in my life hadn't happened, I would not have had to test my own inner strength. I would not have had to learn who I was outside of that relationship and more importantly who I could become. 


So while it felt like I was losing a whole lot at the time, I now see I have gained a whole lot more.  My journey of self-discovery and self-love was all about doing the work –  I got to know myself all over again, the good, the bad and the ugly. I got in deep with my feelings. I got in touch with my values again and figured out what was most important for me to live in alignment with those values.


I decided to re-write my narrative and how I talk to myself, 

I decided to choose my perspective and how I want to feel about someone or something. 

I decided to start focusing on actions and not outcomes. 

I decided to stop wishing for things and start working for things. 

I showed up for MYSELF in the way I was used to doing for everyone else.  


While I still get handed tough days and challenging moments, I am grateful to understand and live by the guiding principle that when you shift your mindset, your reality changes. Now every day I wake up and I choose me. I’m happier and more in love with myself than I have ever been.


So...Cultivate Confidence isn't just a group program. It's a way of being that allows you to take control of your story, navigate your chapter 2 with more ease and open yourself up to have a better relationship with yourself and others. It may seem like getting to the other side of this is hard, but I want you to know that if I can do it, so can you!

Confidence Coach

Your confidence can take a hit after a break-up, but it doesn't have to!

Your healing begins NOW.
Let's walk this journey together.

When a relationship is coming to an end, there can be a lot of feelings of lack that can put yourself worth in question and leave you feeling fragile and unworthy.  By embracing your healing journey, you will be able to move forward with confidence and certainty into your chapter 2.


When does the program start?

The program begins April 10th 


When are the calls and what happens if I can't make it live?

The calls are held live via zoom at 4pm PST starting April 10th. The calls are 75-90 minutes in length. 


The call replays will be available inside a private Facebook group if you cannot make it live. You will have lifetime access to these recordings via this Facebook group. 


Is there a specific topic for each lesson?​

Yes! There will be a specific lesson for each week. The details are still in the works but we will be covering these topics: 


Beginning your Healing Journey to create the life you want

The Mindset to experience transformation

Becoming a woman who stands in her Power

Mastering Boundaries, Communication & Co-Parenting with your Ex

Exploring future possibilities and attachment styles


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