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Chapter 2 Divorce Coach

Finding You In Chapter 2

What will we cover?

Co-create your goals and desires for what you want in your next Chapter


Work on identifying what's been standing in your way to becoming the version of you that you love most


We will work together on the main challenges in your life


There is no standard template that is applied because this is all about YOU


We will identify the fears, roadblocks and limiting beliefs that are not serving you

I am excited and honoured to help you step into your self worth and confidence, I have met the future you, she is amazing.  I can't wait for you to meet her.


Confidence Assessment: Meeting Your Best Self
Moving Forward: Maintaining this new version of yourself!
Mastering Communication with Yourself and Otherss
Mastering your mindset: Overcoming limiting beliefs and what's holding your back
Daily Habits: Building your best future self
Figuring out the ME behind the WE

My signature coaching package:

Finding you in Chapter 2, life after Divorce.


A 12 week journey

A healthy mindset that truly serves you (mastering your emotions, the art of reframing setbacks into possibilities and opportunities)


Realignment with yourself so you can make decisions that are congruent with your values


The ability to shift your perspective and focus in a. way that best serves. you - when you change the meaning, you the change the feeling


High level of sense of self and resilience


Clarity on what you want and don't want in Chapter 2


The confidence and trust in yourself that you can handle life's curveballs that are thrown your way


Loving YOU so you can create a peaceful happy balance in your Chapter 2

Divorce Coach

It's always an honour to work with so many incredible women. The feeling when I help them in their transformation and down a new path is such an incredible journey.

I never take it for granted, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be part of their journeys.

It's amazing what happens when we step aside and allow ourselves to embrace our changes in life! Know that I am also rooting for you in your Chapter 2!

"If you are hesitating to use a coach or spend money on yourself, don’t! Chelsea’s support is
worth every penny. She is kind, patient, empathetic, knowledgable and has personal experience with divorce and co-parenting.
Having Chelsea t
o turn to weekly helped build build my confidence back; she validated my
feelings, worries and guilt around ‘breaking up’ my son’s family. She empowered me to believe
in myself and know that this pain is temporary and beautiful happy and fulfilling days lay ahead.
I feel blessed I had Chelsea’ s help when family, friends and counsellors couldn’t quite
understand or support my needs. Thank you Chelsea, see you on the ‘Chapter 2’ side!



Give yourself the opportunity to create your most confident and happy self after divorce. 

3 Month Package

  • 12 X 1:1 Coaching sessions over zoom​


  • Sessions are 60 min in length​


  • A tailored experience, offered with extreme care and accountability​​


  • Text and email check ins throughout our coaching relationship​


  • The next step is to schedule a call, click the link below

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